Love At First Write

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Quote 8

4th Sep 2024

There is no one who is not talking about or knows about self-love and self-care. During and after the pandemic, a term that got limelight, which ideally was a thing prior to that as well. But I have come across people who do anything, ANYTHING under that label. Especially, to them, I want to say, your self-love and self-care should be restricted to you only. Make sure while doing that you are not harming or disturbing others.

Now coming to the later half of the quote.
Taking care of others while not harming ourselves and our sanity can happen only by drawing healthy boundaries. No matter how difficult it sounds or feels, saying NO and letting them know your limits and capacity is the only thing that can save you in this case. You cannot be doing everything for everyone and nothing for yourself. By drawing that line which is not to be crossed, you are doing yourself a favour. Trust me, it's very liberating.

This post is a part of #BlogchatterHalfMarathon.

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